prayer be a daily one. Prayer works miracles in you and through you, therefore,
little children, may prayer be a joy for you. Then your relationship with life will be deeper and more open and you will comprehend that life is a gift for each of you. Thank you for having responded my call.

located in the childhood home of Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic began to glow in the dark. Hundreds of people gathered as the news spread. On Tuesday evening, the statue started glowing again.
The statue to the left in Medjugorje seer VickaIvankovic-Mijatovic’s childhood room began glowing in the dark on Monday
evening. The blue “haze” around the statue has nothing to do with the
Glowing in the dark when no light was turned on, an old statue of the Virgin
Mary that has belonged to the family of visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic for
40 years quickly became the centre of attention in Medjugorje on Monday
“Mamma mia, tonight around 21.20 the statue of the Madonna in the birthplace
of Vicka began to emanate light by itself! Like phosphor! People came from all
around to see! You can not take pictures, the flash does not show anything,
only the naked eye can see it. Beautiful!” Medjugorje resident Laura Marcazzan
Budimir reported at Facebook.
“The first to see it were Italians in prayer, then Mirela who works in the
shop below, then Vicka’s brother Franjo. Then, at his invitation, Vicka’s
(other) relatives came at 9.10 pm. I saw it at 10. The statue was
phosphorescent, you could see the outline, touching it felt normal, cold” Laura
Marcazzan Budimir tells the Italian website Guarda Con Me.
“The brightness decreased from 11 pm to 2.30 am and then increased, to vanish
again” she reports at Facebook on Tuesday.
After attempts at taking photos of the statue with a flashlight turned on had been in vain, the glow disappearing and the statue looking normal, at midnight
local resident Valentin Ivankovic succeeded in capturing the glow by taking the
photo to the left without using flash.
“But I have seen much more. All bright!” Laura Marcazzan Budimir tells
Medjugorje Today.
The Italian-born local resident further informs that Vicka has seen the
glowing statue in her room.
“Vicka said she was happy to have seen the light, and to kneel and pray
before the statue” Laura Marcazzan Budimir tells.
Spectators were impressed and almost speechless after seeing the statue:
“It is something I can not describe, really. When you see it, you know, I
have no words. The heat around the heart, I do not know, it is something really
indescribable. It must be experienced, really” an un-named attendee tells the
Croatian news portal Dnevnik.
“At first I felt strange because it is really unusual, not to say paranormal.
These things cannot be seen every day, and this could be taken as the crown of
all the miracles that have taken place so far, such as healings. This is an
unforgettable experience, really. Anyone should come and see if you can – of
course, if it lasts” a young local tells Dnevnik.
“I consider this as further proof that people should go back and start to
believe in God, and Medjugorje also” he says.
Laura Marcazzan Budimir is of the same opinion:
“This sign is for the parishioners, for sure! The parishioners of Bijakovici
(where the house is located, ed.) especially. Because why there, in
that house? And why now and not one month ago? At this time there are just a
few pilgrims!” she tells Medjugorje Today.
“A week ago, a parishioner of Bijakovici said: “We have to pray together like
30 years ago”. Well, this sign is the answer. And it is an invitation
especially for the parishioners of Bijakovici. Right in the heart of
Bijakovici. These words were said to Vicka’s mother, prophesying that something
would happen after the harvest, and the harvest ended a few days ago” Laura
Marcazzan Budimir tells Guarda Con Me.
“Last night, 80 percent of the people who saw it were Croatians from near
Medjugorje. All young people! This is important, young people and families have
come now. Now everyone is waiting for tonight” she tells Medjugorje Today.
In the evening of September 24, many people gathered outside the house to see
if the phenomenon would repeat, Medjugorje guide Michele Vasilj reported at
Facebook. At 7.10 pm on Tuesday, the statue was seen glowing again.