Feast day of Mother of Compassion and Love
Our Lady: Dear children, my heart is so joyful to be with each one of you and to come together to give glory to God for these past twenty-five years.
You have been so blessed, my little ones, and have received many graces as a family. You have been my messengers of compassion and love, and you have spread this compassion and love among many families, and for this I thank you.
Little children, I continue to invite you to open your hearts, so that the Holy Spirit will fill your hearts with the importance of family prayer. I know, my little ones, that you are undergoing many trials within your family and that many are your struggles to remain in the spirit of prayer. I say to you: pray, my little ones, pray and do not allow my adversary to keep you from praying for the struggles in your family and for peace in the world, for prayer is the remedy to heal all hearts.
I invite you again, my little children, to pray your family Rosary every day, for the Rosary is a powerful weapon against my adversary. Never doubt this. Continue to pray for the Bride of my Son and for unconverted sinners. I invite you again to receive frequently the sacrament of Reconciliation and to attend daily Mass as frequently as you can. This will help you, little children, to be able to embrace the sufferings in your family and to pray against the evil in the world. Remember that prayer is your protection.
Today, little children, I, your Mother of Compassion and Love, say to each one of you: come to the arms of your heavenly Mother. Come, my children, come to me, and I will carry you in the bosom of my most Immaculate Heart. I will help you to pray when you are weak in prayer. I will bestow on you special graces when you are suffering and finding it difficult to live in the world, where many have lost their way. Run to the arms of your Mother of Compassion and Love. Waste no time, but run quickly.
I wait for you with loving arms. Talk to me and trust in my powerful intercession. I love you, my children. Oh, how I love you! If you trust in my words and embrace them, I will draw you so close to the heart of my Son and to the love of St. Joseph.
God’s peace to you. Thank you for listening to my message.