There were a total of fifteen of us which really was a perfect number. Quite a few of the people belonged to her CWIA group which made it easier since there was a commonality amongst most of the group. Each and everyday we were getting on our bus and going somewhere (more to follow. . .later) and the day was begun with prayer on the bus. Actually if was not a single prayer but really a 15 minute or more prayer meeting consisting of songs, prayers, petitions, etc. A few nights we were able to gather and have prayer/healing services which were very powerful and there were some physical as well as spiritual healings.
I have only a few pictures from the trip but there was one woman who took over 700! It is my hope to either share her link or to eventually get some emailed to me and will put up a page on this site.
So, as I struggle with jet-lag this morning and almost did not get out of Dulles Airport last night, I hope to get my life back into some type of "normalcy" quickly. My plan today is to get "da'family" and head back home to Madison which is only 45 minutes from Hurricane. Two Sunday Masses tomorrow and whatever else the Lord has in store for me.
Of course, my Daily Ramblings will be back. . .so come back and Listen! I will be on the Philadephia/Camden radio station "As the Spirit Leads" on Monday afternoon about 4:15PM. I plan to record it and to post it here as I have done in the past.
Have a Blessed Weekend!