After I got home I quickly changed to go and pick up "the family" of Noah, Mira, Moses, and Naomi at a parishioners house. I arrived and noticed that there were emergency vehicles at the neighbor's house who is also a parishioner. I quickly turned around and went back home to change once again into my clericals and to get the Holy Oil of Anointing. I quickly returned to the hospital and patiently waited with the family only to find out that his heart was never able to be beat on it's own.
Returned home and "the family" was happy to see me. Thankfully had a good night sleep but was wide awake at 3AM which is 9AM "Medjugorje Time."
Later today I will have my audio of the homily that I preached in St. James in Medjugorje on September 26th and will also post a reflection on the message of the 25th as well. My time in being able to get to the computer was very limited while in Medjugorje.