Come into my light so that you can see the path you should follow. Many of you are facing important decisions right now. You don’t have to make these decisions all on your own. Come into my light so I can help you find the way. Let me show you my hopes, plans, and dreams for you. So often, you wonder: “Am I on the right path? Is this what I am supposed to be doing with my life?” Don’t let yourself be consumed with worry. Come into my light, and I will help you.
Come into my light, for there you will experience the warmth of my love for you. It is cold outside in the darkness. Come and be warmed by the light of my love. Don’t ask if you are worthy to come. Don’t list all the things you need to fix first. Your coming does not depend on your worthiness. It depends on my mercy, and I have already done all that is necessary for you to come! I have already endured the cross. I have already risen from the grave. I have already ascended to heaven and poured my grace into your heart. So come! Come into my light and let my love warm your heart.
Come into my light, for no sin will be able to find you there. My light is pure, holy, and true. So come to the light, and let your sin be exposed, so I can cleanse you for good. You say: “How can I rid myself of this thing that has hobbled me for so long?” But you have not yet felt the relief of seeing years of guilt and shame burned away by my light, so that you can shine forth to the world with a new mind and a new heart. So come and receive my light and be cleansed." (anonymous)